Name: Ski Musk Doge
Symbol: SKI
Total supply: 20, 240, 000, 000
Address: 0x0af290F2493B11901A156Bd989DEB0ab51E02e0F
Tax: 0%
The "Ski Musk Doge" meme coin features a Shiba Inu dog, similar to the original Doge meme, but this time wearing a ski mask. This imagery plays into themes of anonymity, perhaps suggesting a rebellious or daring aspect to the coin or the community around it.
The "Ski Musk Doge" might also be a nod to Musk, who created the greatest wealth in the spirit of challenging Biden or Harris with a humorous or ironic twist.
Name: Ski Musk Doge
Symbol: SKI
20, 240, 000, 000